Crystal Hearts Wedding Ceremony

A wedding ceremony for the dreamers and the rebels, the mystical ones and those who consider themselves spiritual, but not necessarily religious. The elements of this rite of passage are a combination of Crystals, Numerology, and old-world Celtic tradition. Interpreted, for the new millennium.

Let us tell you more...

This part of your wedding ceremony starts with the two of you clasping hands as if you're shaking hands. Between your clasped hands, we'll place two energetically cleaned rose quartz crystal hearts. We chose this stone because it helps align yourselves with the properties of love, strengthens your partnership, and calls in unconditional love. We'll all take a few deep breaths and ask you to focus your intentions on the love stones that you hold between your hands, calling your heart center to its highest vibration and infusing your love stones with all of your intentions for your new marriage.

It's said that Cupid gave the earth Rose Quartz as a gift of passion, happiness, and love for all of us to enjoy.

Next, we'll place your Celtic handfasting cord over your clasped hands. You can have it loosely draped or tied. Next, we'll read aloud the positive attributes of your wedding date, handwritten by Founder Rachel or Wedding Officiant Shelly. Once your Crystal Heart Ceremony is completed, we'll complete your traditional ceremony and pronounce you married! You'll take home your crystals in a keepsake pouch, your handfasting cord, and a little note letting you know the best Feng Shui location in your home to place these items for maximum love and romance! Of course, our wedding photographers will be documenting every moment for you to enjoy reminiscing over.

Jason and Jessica

Their Wedding Journey

What we love about this special wedding ritual is that it can easily fit into any wedding ceremony that you'd already planned, at any location you'd like. Jessica and Jason chose a non-denominational option with our wedding officiant Shelly. Their first date in 2017 was a hike on Mt Tam after a healthy meal at the Ferry Building in San Francisco. They knew that their beloved mountain area would figure into their wedding plans. When they saw that we offer Muir Woods weddings, that sealed the deal for them! They love hiking on the mountain and especially love the California redwood trees, but weren't sure how a long trek would fit into their wedding day plans.....and Jessica's wedding shoes! Jessica and her mom both regularly work with crystals as a daily part of their lives, and she was really excited when I shared with her my idea for a new type of ceremony. Having grown up with an understanding of the way they help focus on our intentions (such as a loving and high vibrational marriage) she was all about working with our crystal hearts during their union.

How They Met

Jason and Jess met seven years ago when they were both in the same training class for their current jobs. Jessica noticed a handsome guy in her class and started making flirtatious eyes at him, but he wasn't getting the message. The day before Valentine's Day 2017, she walked up to him in the break room, and said, "Where are you taking me tomorrow for Valentine's Day?" He surprised her by answering, "I don't know, where do you want to go?" They took a hike on a very rainy February day, Jason acting like a tough guy and getting totally soaked! About an hour into the date, with conversation flowing and both of them feeling comfortable and having a good time, he asked her "What are you doing tomorrow?" To which SHE replied, "See? I told you you'd like me!" The rest is history and seven years later they returned to that mountain on another very cold and rainy day, to unite. The weather was SO bad, that we actually suggested another location. But it was meant to be, because the skies cleared as we headed into the redwood forest for their wedding pictures, and it was a truly glorious experience as you can see by the smiles on their faces.

Their Ceremony took place in a secluded wooded area, which is located about ten minutes away from the Muir Woods National Monument. Shelly was their wedding officiant on this 37-degree day! During the spring and summer, this area is more lush and green, but it was still lovely and moss covered on their February wedding day. We often hold wedding ceremonies in this spot year-round, because it's more private, and you can have your ceremony here without any time restrictions than nearby Muir Woods which only issues wedding permits before 10 am or after 4:30 pm at certain times of the year.  You can obtain a permit from March through October. If you'd like a little more flexibility in your day, this location could be the one for you.

Brittany and Jennifer

How They Met

These two must be soul mates, twin flames, or just plain old destined to be. Why do I say this? These two beautiful brides met at work and Jennifer asked Brittany to dinner. Apparently, this date went so well, that eleven days later she then asked her to be her dinner partner for life and proposed marriage! Many happy months later the two of them came to San Francisco City Hall for their destination wedding with their close family in attendance. 

Their Wedding Journey

We held their wedding ceremony on the second floor of San Francisco City Hall on one of the balconettes. As you can see, these lovely little "pied a terres" inside the atrium keep others from walking through their ceremony while allowing them a sweeping view of the grand staircase and soaring dome ceiling.

Konrad was booked as their officiant and we had laid out a well-orchestrated plan for how this newly created ritual would fit inside the non-denominational ceremony that he usually performs for our couples. If I'm the dreamer and the manifester of the team, (and I was determined to call this incredible new wedding that includes crystals into existence!)  then he's definitely the one filling out the spreadsheets, writing lists, and offering game plans. When I told him what we would be doing with his well-oiled wedding ceremony routine, he probably thought I was crazy. We've worked together for about eight years now, and I shared with him what this offering was going to mean to a lot of couples, and he agreed to help me lay out the order and timing, so everything ran like clockwork. 

Brittany and Jennifer were so excited to be the very first ones to take part in our new wedding experience bringing spirituality and authenticity to couples who felt like "just the usual" wasn't quite right for them. When I was writing their numerology reading, I had an intuitive feeling that these two might be thinking about starting a family sooner than later. One of the attributes of their number was that couples getting married under the number two, often can't wait to get started on a family, be it human kids or fur babies. I hesitated to put that into their reading because I didn't want to assume, but when that section was read aloud their eyes lit right up and they squeezed each other's hands and smiled, and I knew I'd been right to bring that into their special reading.

This package is now listed on our website offerings, under the Elopements and San Francisco City Hall wedding sections. 

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Rachel Levine